Marketing the Crime and the Criminal..

Hi my fellow netizens,

A mob of around twenty in number enters a pub in Mangalore, catches hold of two young women and molests them in public with witness. The witness being a Television media channel which records the event live and runs behind the mob until the girls are humiliated and running for help. Media channel arrives well in advance as they are informed by the mob. Within minutes this news is flashed live in the NEWS channel and everybody gets outraged by the event and expresses their concern. Voices are raised, some propose, some oppose and many doesn't care and everybody goes to obscurity within hours. It happens now and then in this country. I am not here to debate about whether women should drink or not. Also I am not here to debate about the so called cultural saviours of our land. These mindless animals never belonged to the mankind. I am here to debate about the media.

We need some red hot live news like this to bring us back from hibernation. Our so called neutral media will again feed you with this kind of mind boggling, heart breaking news so that they can capitalize on the emotional absurdity of Indians. Have we ever thought that if media could record a crime live and hot, couldn't they avert it? A media person gets into position at various strategic angles so that they could cover all the action of the crime perpetrated at all possible angles and it will be livelier for the viewer to see. It happened in the recent Mangalore pub riot and it is happening every now and then. Shameless on their part, Are they professionals? Do we people need such red hot news that is soo... red that we need to see live red blood? Criminals are not who commit crime alone, this people who know about the place, men and time of the crime and have done nothing to avert it themselves are more criminal than those mindless idiots. Because even terrorists have an agenda and reason (even if not admissible), but this media is more terrible than the terrorists because they make hot money out of this so called exclusive coverage of the crime, it is nothing but emotional rape and selling that recorded tape!!. Why these ill (fully)-literate journalists can't inform the police before the mob arrives and save innocent lives, have we ever thought. Are they not citizens of the country? Are they not bound by the law which states that knowing a potential crime and hiding it is a criminal offence on par with committing that crime? Who are they?? Are they at least human beings, any cultured human for that sake will never tolerate a women being molested in public, let it be for any matter.

Media has a social responsibility. Media is the only group to have given the real freedom. This media faction of the public is bestowed with the rare power of criticizing the government by law, freedom of press. Even we who democratically elect those law makers don't have much freedom than them. Media played a constructive role and ignited the passion within during the Independence struggle. The same media is now acting as mindless state actors. Media is regarded as the bridge between the society and its participants. The real problem is not with the media, if we honestly introspect ourselves the media reflects the mood of the people, because after all we are a bunch who joins together in an accident site leaving no space for the victim to breathe not to help but to have a look at the accident extravaganza, is it or not. This is the mood which is reflected in the media which watches the crime to take place to show us which we wait to watch like a new release film of our favourite actor. If no offence meant, let us change so that the media doesn't project this. If we don't see this kind of irresponsible footage, media will be forced to act responsibly, because if there is no market for something it will not be entertained. Media should be made accountable. On Numerous occasions media in the past  is well informed about the crime.Make them pay a price for that.Ban them.

One last word, Can we roam naked now because our primitive culture warranted it at that time of neo-lithic age. Culture changes with people and it grows with people, it is up to the individual to decide which is wrong and right. After all we live in a country where we have a bar for the every corner of a street with parking lots in it and still have a law which prohibits drunk and driving, ridiculous. Think, it is in you to change nobody else can.

What India can teach America

Welcome my fellow netizens,


The relevance to the topic amidst this hue cry and collapse becomes more significant than anytime in the past and most significant for the future. The topic may Mislead you, but i mean is what America could learn from India.(Don't you believe in it, yes we have more to teach to them than learn).

What is in a name, Whatever you call, a Rose is a Rose!! As such is this Communism,Capitalism,Liberalism,Socialism. Just a combination of letters. But in depth it has far more interpretations and implications. Whatever you may name a economic system to be, Will it be effective if it is not tangible to the common man?? After all we produce to consume for ourselves. Does India has reached this stage of leading the world, Which was said of use only for the future historians who will pick the old civilaisation of rock carvings itself up, dust itself off, and begin again the work of recreating it. Does it sound similar to some one's speech, if you have guessed it right yes it is none other than the new beacon of hope and positive spirit Mr.Barack Hussein Obama( Anybody against this???). But What has he to do with this now,you may think. Just go on reading.. you may find the answer.

If at all anything to go by his inaugural speech there is ample evidence to suggest that the topic is true, and America may again learn to admonish from its present wounds that not to kick people on their head and pull their strings.To quote history no leader(its America here) can live happily when their people are struggling for bread.Kingdoms has been to ashes within hours. It was been the case with this world leader for the past many years and now it is licking its own wounds.But America is not that bad, to be true the American values are profound,but it was damaged by the persons who administered it, here is a president who is shameless to accept this,and brave enough to caution people of the tough path to be taken at the time of adversity.

This time Mr.President has taken the right decision by going back to the communist manifesto of government intervention for the sake of public good. He said in the inauguration "Those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account — to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day — because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government." It was not the case for the past years, no body spent wisely as there were no govt. intervention or regulation. Now Obama has reposed faith in the people rather than the prosperous few.

He has also said "But this crisis has reminded us that without a watchful eye, the market can spin out of control. The nation cannot prosper long when it favors only the prosperous."Alas and at last a man from America could publicly acknowledge this. I mean to say communism or capitalism is not at all a problem, but that watchful eye is what needed to make a balanced growth possible. It reminds me of our own system of watchful liberalism, so..Yes America is turning towards INDIA for solace and economic restructure.We have many watchful eyes watching us in India(SEBI, TRAI, FERA,FEMA,IRDA,) so that nothing goes out of control.And this is what they are going to do now.

Let all the present day politicians in India be put to task and we all know that they will fail miserably, even a school kid will tell that.But wait has our system failed, The answer is a big no, Let the detractors point me the implications of the present recession to India, But our liberalism with caution structure has collectively shielded us from the great fall to the abyss.We have just slipped now and if we can just overhaul our economic structure and shower some optimism on our heads, days are not far to lead this world.

Let the world learn as America is learning now from us that freedom is in the mind and power does not entitle anybody to do whatever in the name of freedom, even we are free, but freedom cannot come at the cost of slavery of others, it has to be equal.Mr.President seems to know this and I am certainly sure that he will turn things around with the human values intact. Let us be proud and blow tantrumps that india has grown to lead others.

The World is waiting to throw us out of its market

Let us find some solace in our great saints, who taught us managerial ethics which is profound in thought and Himalayan in substance.I wish we youth should be driven by values rather than price, because we are taught to know the price of everything, but value of nothing.

If we have known the real value of life,  the SATYAM episode and much earlier episode of LEHMAN BROS which bore the torch and catapulted the eminent collapse of the world economy would not have surfaced. The greed on the part of some and mismanagement by inefficient managers who where earning in multiples of billions even when they never deserved should have been averted. Let us learn a little from this that the world is not for the prosperous alone and it never can be.No man can last long where he is not entitled to.

This is a blog which reflects this idea with a philosophical touch with the greatness of Swami Vivekananda adding sheen to the topic.I have written this to infuse confidence(not cynicism) among the people who are now thinking of the imminent issue of  pink slips but awaiting their time, Let them not lose confidence and let optimism surround them.If we try to inhabit ourselves with the values proposed in this blog and wait,  the change is not too far,but not too easy either.

In an age when 30-something CEO's and VP's no longer surprise us and paradigms are busted each day, holding one's own at the workplace is a challenge in itself.

One hundred and forty-five years after Swami Vivekananda was born, we need to evoke his vision and focus on the fact that life at the workplace can be much simpler and more fulfilling. 

The Swami may not have been a student of management theory but the fundamental truths that he taught are invaluable in today's globalised workplace, where employees are often resentful of the relative success of others. 

Talent cannot be hidden for long. Talk of cultivating a spiritual approach at the time of annual increments might give rise to cynicism among some, but it is in tune with Vivekananda's thoughts: 

"We find ourselves in the position for which we are fit... if one has some capacity above another, the world will find it out too... He who grumbles at the little thing that has fallen to his lot to do, will grumble at everything. Always grumbling, he will lead a miserable life... But that man who does his duty as he goes, putting his shoulder to the wheel, higher and higher duties will fall to his share". 

No man can long occupy satisfactorily a position for which he is not fit. 

Wondering what the top bosses do with the astronomical sums they take home may be good for office chit-chat but it isn't of much help in getting to where they are. Vivekananda's analysis of how the hierarchy works can help us to assess our progress without regrets: "No man can long occupy satisfactorily a position for which he is not fit. By doing well the duty which is nearest to us, the duty which is in our hands now, we make ourselves stronger; and improving our strength in this manner we may even reach a state in which it shall be our privilege to do the most coveted and honoured duties in life and in society". If we take a random look at those doing the "most coveted duties' ? whether it is a Ilayaraja or Amitabh Bachchan ? we will find that they are people who did well the duty that was nearest to them at any given point of time; that is all that we need to do.

 Equally, there is little sense in being aggrieved when one feels that some-one else has been elevated to a role beyond his competence. Even for the highest offices, the rule that is that no man can long occupy satisfactorily a position for which he is not fit' has held true repeatedly; it is not difficult to find instances of former prime ministers who have faded into obscurity. If a person is not equipped to handle a role and make a mark at the job, it does not take long for that to be obvious.

 An organisational weakness is that issues are often soft-pedal-led when personal equations come into play. But Vivekananda advises us to put aside such hesitations where professional issues are concerned: "All combined efforts in India sink under the weight of one iniquity ? we have not developed strict business principles". Business is business, and no friendship should be used to subvert this. 

  "Let the world say what it chooses, I shall tread the path of duty... Otherwise, if one has to attend day and night to what this man says or that man writes, no great work is achieved in this world," said the Swami. 

 His profound thoughts continue to inspire thousands even a century after his demise, though he lived for barely four decades.Stephen Covey might be the current must-read but Vivekananda could well lay claim to being the original proponent of the character ethic

So now the world requires people who stand for their own benefit and show the will and grit not to meddle with what is not theirs for the benefit of the fellow people around this world.It is time to take hard decisions by changing ourselves for the benefit of this world.Or else it will be in no time the world will find a way to throw us out.Never mind you are prime minister or a poor who is administered.

The Ice Breaker

Hi my fellow netizens...


As the title suggests i am new but fresh,in-experienced but capable, watchful but optimistic.These words reflect my entry into this blogging arena.Yeah this is my first blog written but not the first which i thought to write, as same as everybody i was writing my first blog everyday in my dreams and wanted it to be posted every other day,but dreams change into reality seldom and that to if we really want to change it.And here it is you to see,at last me has started to blog.As they say the culmination effect has contributed and i am clueless what to write as if i have never thought anything all together, but sorry be patient.This is my ice breaker and yes i have broken the ice and the flowing water is what is there for you to see hereafter.I will visit here often and make you not to visit here any after....., may be or may not be it is up to you decide. And i am here to write about viz, Guess?? To be frank nothing in particular but everything either,whatever moves me to write will be written and only hope is that it will sure be read.Let me tell you i am a guy who gets going when the going gets tough, so expect me to write something which impacts everyone out in this world, after all i am like you as every body is. Visit once more...(I am doing my M.B.A in marketing,so expect me to market mine)