Marketing the Crime and the Criminal..

Hi my fellow netizens,

A mob of around twenty in number enters a pub in Mangalore, catches hold of two young women and molests them in public with witness. The witness being a Television media channel which records the event live and runs behind the mob until the girls are humiliated and running for help. Media channel arrives well in advance as they are informed by the mob. Within minutes this news is flashed live in the NEWS channel and everybody gets outraged by the event and expresses their concern. Voices are raised, some propose, some oppose and many doesn't care and everybody goes to obscurity within hours. It happens now and then in this country. I am not here to debate about whether women should drink or not. Also I am not here to debate about the so called cultural saviours of our land. These mindless animals never belonged to the mankind. I am here to debate about the media.

We need some red hot live news like this to bring us back from hibernation. Our so called neutral media will again feed you with this kind of mind boggling, heart breaking news so that they can capitalize on the emotional absurdity of Indians. Have we ever thought that if media could record a crime live and hot, couldn't they avert it? A media person gets into position at various strategic angles so that they could cover all the action of the crime perpetrated at all possible angles and it will be livelier for the viewer to see. It happened in the recent Mangalore pub riot and it is happening every now and then. Shameless on their part, Are they professionals? Do we people need such red hot news that is soo... red that we need to see live red blood? Criminals are not who commit crime alone, this people who know about the place, men and time of the crime and have done nothing to avert it themselves are more criminal than those mindless idiots. Because even terrorists have an agenda and reason (even if not admissible), but this media is more terrible than the terrorists because they make hot money out of this so called exclusive coverage of the crime, it is nothing but emotional rape and selling that recorded tape!!. Why these ill (fully)-literate journalists can't inform the police before the mob arrives and save innocent lives, have we ever thought. Are they not citizens of the country? Are they not bound by the law which states that knowing a potential crime and hiding it is a criminal offence on par with committing that crime? Who are they?? Are they at least human beings, any cultured human for that sake will never tolerate a women being molested in public, let it be for any matter.

Media has a social responsibility. Media is the only group to have given the real freedom. This media faction of the public is bestowed with the rare power of criticizing the government by law, freedom of press. Even we who democratically elect those law makers don't have much freedom than them. Media played a constructive role and ignited the passion within during the Independence struggle. The same media is now acting as mindless state actors. Media is regarded as the bridge between the society and its participants. The real problem is not with the media, if we honestly introspect ourselves the media reflects the mood of the people, because after all we are a bunch who joins together in an accident site leaving no space for the victim to breathe not to help but to have a look at the accident extravaganza, is it or not. This is the mood which is reflected in the media which watches the crime to take place to show us which we wait to watch like a new release film of our favourite actor. If no offence meant, let us change so that the media doesn't project this. If we don't see this kind of irresponsible footage, media will be forced to act responsibly, because if there is no market for something it will not be entertained. Media should be made accountable. On Numerous occasions media in the past  is well informed about the crime.Make them pay a price for that.Ban them.

One last word, Can we roam naked now because our primitive culture warranted it at that time of neo-lithic age. Culture changes with people and it grows with people, it is up to the individual to decide which is wrong and right. After all we live in a country where we have a bar for the every corner of a street with parking lots in it and still have a law which prohibits drunk and driving, ridiculous. Think, it is in you to change nobody else can.


Suyambuvel. M said...

New to your blog...nice thoughts and i totally agree with u. Not just media, we are also must be held responsible for these kinda activities. We still have ppl who buys newspaper only to read rape reports, molestation incidents...if we ignore and stop buying those newspapers will they cover those incidents..its very true that demand is always equal to supply!! we demand and they supply!!