The Business of business is Business-I am into it

Hi my fellow netizens,


The great news which was haunting me for the past 4 months has become real and I am experiencing the real facet of meaningful life. I took a right decision at the wrong time. I was very much sceptical when I was bestowed with the chance and was weighing options. Everything seemed fruitful and coming towards me. Everything comes towards you when you are in the wrong track. But for me everything came my way even when i stood still. I value my decision now and i am extremely happy. You will know why when you go through this post.

A situation arose in mid November when the world was reeling under bankruptcy and the economies were spinning to comatose. At this time a company named redington, (Until then i did not even ever heard its name) came to our campus for selecting people to increase its workforce. I was given a pre placement briefing of the company’s credentials. To be frank i was Unimpressed. I was under pressure from my college and myself as that was the first company to visit our campus and college people were anxious to put someone in at any cost. So i had no option left than sitting for the process. I sat reluctantly and presented myself before the company crew. I under performed, I reveal it to you now. But i could’nt believe my ears that i was called for the next round. As I was sitting i could sense the same feeling in the air around me as everybody wanted to under perform. The reasons for that varied from pay package to job profile and all other stuff. I was in a dubious mind and had a dilemma on what should i do now, am i taking the right decision as it is going to decide my growth and career. I consulted my time tested troubleshooter, none other than my grand ma in the break for the next round. She came with an impressive quote “Never let the first chance to slip out of your hand, as there may not be more than one destined to you, let whatever it takes”, Still i was unimpressed but went with Personal interview and show cased my ability as good as i would have done to satisfy them. I was hoping not to get selected as i thought the job profile did’nt suit me. But it was the other way round. I was looking grudgingly at the person who was reading the selected list. It was shocker that my name was read first and i cursed myself. I was called to work. But i consoled myself with that i know i had the conviction of performing well even in hell.


I was called to join duty on Feb 9th. The day which i will remember until my memory fade. I could not control my emotions on that day as it was, what to say a mixed emotion where i was happy to join duty for the first time in my life at the same time also sceptical about the job and the new environment. But everything here in the company  proved me wrong and i was happy about myself about taking a risk which was worth it. I am now getting accustomed to the new environ and corporate work culture, all the myth surrounding the job profile was wrong and i did get one of the best working oppurtunities i would have ever got. I was really anarchical about the company about their decision to recruit when everybody is laying off, but their explanation did just bolster me and created a firsthand experience of their work culture and ethics. They said “It is an investment for the future when we can get a good commodity (employee) at lesser price due to the market situation, and let us poach on it and let them learn at the difficult time so that they feel at ease when the situation turns around” This was easily the best answer from an employer in a pathetic situation. This showed their guts and determination of their conviction.

My Boss welcomed me with a warm smile which was really warm. After all the formalities were over, he said to me nonchalantly”ok man, common, go and do mistakes”, It was a great way to start work with these immortal words, because talented people will sure learn to work only when they do genuine mistakes. A company which can afford to bare mistakes speaks volumes about their confidence on the new comers. I am a genuine mistake learning guy. So i am now here, one week has passed by and i am still learning, after all learning is a never ending process. I proclaim with all my sincerity that i will work with my best efforts to help grow the firm which in turn will lead to my growth. I will never regret my decision as this was the best decision i have ever taken.

I take this chance to acknowledge and gratefully thank all those good hearts who were behind my growth and who will be behind my growth and support me in this endeavour. Thank you folks and keep supporting.


Suyambuvel. M said...

Awwwww....Gud to hear that you enjoy your work!! All the best from my side :)