The Ice Breaker

Hi my fellow netizens...


As the title suggests i am new but fresh,in-experienced but capable, watchful but optimistic.These words reflect my entry into this blogging arena.Yeah this is my first blog written but not the first which i thought to write, as same as everybody i was writing my first blog everyday in my dreams and wanted it to be posted every other day,but dreams change into reality seldom and that to if we really want to change it.And here it is you to see,at last me has started to blog.As they say the culmination effect has contributed and i am clueless what to write as if i have never thought anything all together, but sorry be patient.This is my ice breaker and yes i have broken the ice and the flowing water is what is there for you to see hereafter.I will visit here often and make you not to visit here any after....., may be or may not be it is up to you decide. And i am here to write about viz, Guess?? To be frank nothing in particular but everything either,whatever moves me to write will be written and only hope is that it will sure be read.Let me tell you i am a guy who gets going when the going gets tough, so expect me to write something which impacts everyone out in this world, after all i am like you as every body is. Visit once more...(I am doing my M.B.A in marketing,so expect me to market mine)